Your Child is ready for University, Are you ready to prepare for them?
Education Planning become very popular nowadays.
From my opinion, the best way to build an education fund is to own a property and use the rental to pay off the bank loan.
Over a period of 10 - 15 years, the property price have very high chance to double or treble it original value, but nowadays the property price in many location are very high, therefore in unit trust is one of the vehicle to help us to building up the upfront capital of the property.
Many people said we have ability to make money but doesn't seem we have saved up some money. So we need to invest in unit trust as force investment saving. In long run this allow us to have a lump sum to support our children education or be the upfront downpayment to own an investment property. By doing so, we able to create a habit not simply buy something which is no necessary.
As a Unit Trust Consultant, we here to helping to educate and share with them how Unit Trust fund to make them prepare for the children.