A Flexible Job With Marvelous Benefits!

Toward Understanding Gen-Yers. What defines a generation? Gen-Yers, also called “Millennials” the young adults with born between year 1981 and 1999 (ages 21 to 32). This generation grew up immersed during the beginning of the technology era. According to the recent annual Millennial Survey released by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited’s (DTTL), Gen-Y will comprise 75 percent of the global workforce by 2025, they will participate in the workforce, as an entrepreneur, establishing households, voting in elections, taking the biggest blow in wages.
Gen-Y is confident, independent, career aspirations and goal-oriented, after graduating, Baby Boomers’ parent, all around the world told their Gen Y kids that they could be whatever they wanted to be. Besides, parent will feeling tremendously hopeful about their kid’s careers and aiming they will do better than them.
Nothing comes easy in this world, becoming successful is going to take time and effort. If Gen-Y truly want to become successful in any field, they have to go beyond the ordinary duty in order to show people that they are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.
Generally, Gen-Y truly understand that a 9 to 5 mentality really cannot make them success in the current high inflation world, therefore, Gen-Y would prefer to look careers based on flexible options, high earnings and expected job growth over the next decade. Preferable in service industry such as unit trust consultant, financial advisor, financial planner and so on. To be an entrepreneur, he/she able to manage their own time and have more scheduling flexibility, less stress than more traditional financial workers and can sometimes work from home.
Gen-Y can really forget about their retirement planning, today Gen-Y pretty smart in the sense that they will find a career which allow them to making the wealth as fast a possible. Moving forward, they still have 20 – 30 years upon achieving their retirement, along the journey ensure they can proper manage their saving and investment well, and they can retire comfortable. Getting to the $1 billion mark isn’t a race, but some just get there faster, according to the Forbes “The World’s Youngest Billionaires 2014”, out of the 1,645 members of the Forbes Billionaires list, 31 are under the age of 40. Gen-Y with confident, independent, career aspirations and goal-oriented, foresee more and more millionaires and billionaire will be born.
Gen-Y are always “on” and always connecting, with high ideas of what it means to be efficient today, their push for convenience, bias towards networking (through both business and social communication channels), and good command of the latest hardware, software and the Internet gives Gen-Y strengths in new media and instantaneous dialogue communications. In the service industry these skills can be applied when dealing with the implementation and use of new business technology. Technological feature used by them in social networking sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, WeChat, LINE, WhatsApp and so on will greater advantage for Gen-Y to achieve their entrepreneurship goal.
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